Varicose veins, which affect the legs, occur when the superficial veins in the legs swell and twist. Damaged or worn venous valves contribute to this issue by preventing blood from moving freely through the veins and instead collecting at the site of the problem. This is what causes the veins to expand and become blue. While not immediately fatal, this illness poses substantial risks if left untreated. Surgical intervention may be required when weight gain, throbbing pain, and edema develop in the legs. If you have been diagnosed with varicose veins by Bhupinder Singh MD, here are some home treatments to give a shot.
1. Put on some compression tights
Compression stockings are tights with added pressure to increase blood flow to the legs. When your blood flow is good, more blood goes to your heart. Compression stockings also effectively reduce the discomfort, agony, and edema caused by varicose veins.
Pregnant women with varicose veins might benefit from using compression stockings. However, ladies should talk to their doctor before wearing compression stockings during pregnancy. Manufacturers and pharmacies stock and sell compression stockings in various colors, sizes, foot forms, pressures, and lengths.
2. Herbal treatments
Although insufficient data confirm its efficacy, ingesting grape seed extract, Vitis vinifera, may help decrease edema in the lower legs and other symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. However, because of the potential for interaction, those who use blood-thinning medicine should avoid using grape seed extract as a dietary supplement.
3. Workout/exercise
Increasing blood flow by doing some easy workouts might help. Maintaining a healthy blood flow allows the body to move sluggish blood through the veins. Low blood pressure patients should also make exercise and regular workouts part of their daily routine. Some low-impact workouts might help fill the calves and pump blood into veins. For instance, swimming is a great exercise to increase your heart rate. You can easily maintain the heart rate and blood flow with easy and enjoyable activities like walking, cycling, and yoga.
4. Sleep with your legs elevated
Keep your legs up at sleep to avoid blood collecting in your veins. Sleep with your feet elevated above your heart for several hours every night by propping up the head of your bed with a footstool or compact books.
5. Massage
A massage not only relaxes you but also gets your blood pumping. If you want a little massage at home, avoid applying too much pressure to the sensitive tissues in or around your varicose veins. Instead, make slow, deliberate motions near those locations to push blood into the heart.
6. Take care of your weight
Varicose veins and losing weight go hand in hand. Extra weight stresses the veins, which may contribute to vein dysfunction and the development of varicose veins.
Varicose veins may be painful and embarrassing in addition to being unsightly. When the symptoms of varicose veins become unbearable, you should seek medical treatment. Discussing treatment alternatives with a doctor is important to make the most educated and effective choice possible. Consult with Heart and Vascular Care to get rid of your varicose veins.