It is often the advice of elder people, doctors and teachers to eat healthy food and a balanced diet for a productive life. Well in childhood we must have ignored such statements but as we mature, we realize the importance of it. In our science textbooks of middle school and high school, a lot was described digestive system and the whole process of food from mouth till the anus. Had we put much stress and intellect into food, the health pandemics which we are facing today would surely have been eradicated and usage of Cenforce 200 mg, Fildena 100, or Vidalista 60 would also have reduced.
The major disorders today are obesity, malnutrition, diabetes, high blood pressure, fatigue, lethargy etc. Almost every population in any part of the world is facing these health problems regularly. Some are suffering from the extreme stages while some have been affected newly. Some people are on the path of joining the list of the affected ones.
Many of us fail to understand the importance of food in our life. Food is not just for satisfying our appetite by taking a full meal. That meal should be rich enough to provide you with the nutrients which you need. Even earliest medical texts Ayurveda emphasized the importance of food, even on the behaviour and mentality of the person. Not only what you eat but how you eat is also essential.
That’s why doctors regularly advise people to chew food properly, drink 3 litresof water every day, eat green leafy vegetables etc. These are small measures that are mostly ignored by a large chunk of the population. Thus, the suffering is not something that has come from Mars, it is the result of ignorance of health. In this article, we shall discuss these issues in-depth for a clear understanding.
What to Eat?
Well, one cannot simply ask someone to eat the following items for the rest of your life. Everyone knows there are nutrients in food such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals, with each having sub-categories as well. Let’s not go into sub-categories, in our high school we all have studied what these nutrients are and their uses.
There’s a concept called a balanced diet which always comes to our mind when discussing health and food. It refers to the diet which contains all the nutrients in required quantities. A balanced diet should differ based onthe work the person is involved in. For example, if some is a student, he/she plays, sings, dances, studies, overall explores the world around him/her. The body and mind are in the developing stage with new concepts reaching him/her for the first time.
The teacher and parents focus on the overall development of the child. Therefore, while choosing a diet for such a student, one needs to include, proteins, carbohydrates, fats in large proportion. Vitamins and minerals constitute the rest over proportion. There’s a reason because during childhood physical activity is highest thus needs for quick energy is generated which is fulfilled by carbohydrates. Bones, muscles and teeth are too in their developing phase.
Therefore, proteins also known as the building blocks of the body are also needed in large quantities. Now take the example of a labourer whose task is to lift heavy objects. For such quick energy in a short time good quantity of carbohydrates and proteins for making muscles stronger. Even fat is much needed to store a sufficient amount of energy when carbohydrate is not taken. But on the contrary, a software engineer does not need that many carbohydrates, proteins and fats. His/her job does not involve much physical labour but most of the time he/she is on the computer.
Decision-making skills and technical knowledge, creative thinking and intellect are required in the job. Thus, his diet should contain fewer carbs, proteins, fats but more multivitamins and minerals to sharpen your mental ability. This is the ideal scenario where everybody is eating according to their requirement. But today the complete opposite is happening where everyone is consuming the same food, be it a nuclear scientist or a college student.
How to Eat?
Sometimes, we may consume foods rich in nutrients but then also constipation, hair fall, weak bones and kidney problems bother us. Take care of secondary things like proper chewing of particles in the mouth, not overeating, not taking meals after a long break etc. For proper functioning of the body, we also need to consume food items that do not have any nutrients. They are called roughage. Fruits, raw vegetables, cereals, grains and water are roughage. These items do not get digested in our gut but smooth the walls of the intestines for clear movement of a waste particle in excretion.
In the name of dieting people take a break for long hours. And when they eat, they get carried away and consume much more than their regular calories. This is harmful to the liver and stomach which can lead to irregular digestion. Give the body 3 to 4 hours for digestion of a meal to avoid usage of Kamagra Oral Jelly, Fildena 100, or Sildenafil Citrates 100 mg. Do not take large meals in between to prevent ingestion and bowel problems. It is no rocket science to understand how to eat. Just follow the simple suggestions and your common sense.