It is not always easy to tell the difference between “normal” and an indication of a problem when it comes to sexual and reproductive health. No matter how embarrassing you may feel, know that your gynecologist has heard it all and is interested in helping you.
Some topics you and your gynecologist at Forest Hills, NY a private medical practice should always cover are listed below.
Period Pains
Having your period can be a frustrating experience for many people. Common menstrual symptoms include cramps, tender breasts, and headaches. However, some women experience period pain that is far more intense than cramping. Period pain that is severe or has been worsening over time may result from endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
Foul Odor In The Vagina
A foul or fishy stench, or a shift from your regular smell that seems to continue for a few days, should prompt a discussion with your doctor, however awkward the subject may be. While it is natural to have a faint scent, a strong or unusual odor could indicate a vaginal infection or bacterial overgrowth.
Bumpy, Enlarging Growths “Down There”
It is normal to feel concerned after discovering a lump in your vagina or the area around your labia. Is it anything harmless like an ingrown hair, a pimple, or something more serious like a cut from shaving? While most bumps are completely harmless, it is still wise to have your doctor take a look at them whenever you notice them. Herpes lesions can recover in seven to fourteen days, although genital warts can be present for a much longer period of time during an outbreak.
Discomfort While Getting Physical
If you are experiencing sexual discomfort, it is crucial that you see a doctor. Even though it may be embarrassing to bring it up, your gynecologist is the best person to explain and treat your health concerns.
Many women report experiencing vaginal dryness during sexual activity. A woman’s risk of experiencing dryness varies with her age and other circumstances. There may not be enough estrogen present if a younger woman has been taking the same kind of birth control for a long time and is experiencing these symptoms. A dry sensation may be the result of a busy mother’s lack of time for foreplay and excitement prior to sex. In postmenopausal women, vaginal estrogen may be prescribed by a doctor if low estrogen levels are the cause of dryness.
If you are uncomfortable while having sex, consider switching to a new position to see if that helps. However, you should still consider scheduling an appointment with your doctor. In the event that vaginal dryness persists despite the use of lubricants or if bleeding occurs following sexual activity, it is recommended that you consult a doctor.