The shoulder joint is highly movable and the least stable because it contains a complex network of soft and hard tissues. As a consequence, it is prone to injuries. You can be affected by different types of shoulder injuries La Jolla in your lifetime including dislocated or inflamed shoulder and impinged rotator cuff.
When you have an impinged rotator cuff, you have a torn or excessively stretched rotator cuff. The rotator cuff refers to tendons and muscles enclosing your shoulder joint.
These soft tissues help keep the head of your upper arm’s bone in the shoulder’s shallow socket in a firm manner. Raising or moving your affected arm will become uncomfortable if you have a torn or injured rotator cuff.
Any of the bones of your shoulder can also get fractured, impairing your shoulder joint’s mobility. Your shoulder can become fractured because of a car accident, a contact sports injury, or a blow caused by a fall. Here are three popular remedies your orthopedic surgeon can recommend to cure shoulder problems.
1. Immobilization and use of compression wraps
An injury in your shoulder blade can be addressed without surgical treatment. The shoulder blade helps to link your humerus and the clavicle, popularly called the collarbone.
Immobilizing your sick shoulder and arm using a shoulder immobilizer or sling can deliver relief from injury. An immobilized shoulder is maintained in a neutral position, which promotes healing. Exposing an injured shoulder to more movement will cause further harm to the affected joint, tendons, or bones.
If you have a moderate shoulder injury, you can apply compression wraps for a few weeks. Using a compression bandage to cover the problematic shoulder joint can encourage faster healing.
Regular shoulder compression can promote better blood flow and put the shoulder in an immobilized state. Injured tissues require more blood flow to enable them to get sufficient quantities of nutrients to aid their quick recovery.
2. Injections for relieving shoulder inflammation
Your orthopedic surgeon can inject you with medications that help relieve inflammation caused by an injured shoulder. You can have an inflamed shoulder due to different conditions, especially shoulder tendonitis and adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder).
Your orthopedic physician can also prescribe oral medications to help provide relief against a painful and inflamed shoulder.
3. Surgical replacement of the shoulder joint
Shoulder replacement is an intricate surgical procedure. It involves replacing the damaged parts of your shoulder joint with artificial components or parts.
The artificial parts your orthopedic surgeon uses to replace your shoulder’s natural parts are made from plastic and metal.
However, that procedure may not provide the desired relief level from the sick and painful shoulder. The procedure might also not restore your shoulder joint’s full range of movement and firmness.
Furthermore, you can require several shoulder replacement surgeries because the implants in your shoulder can get loose. Consequently, your orthopedic specialist will have to replace your shoulder’s old and loose components.
Contact Upper Extremity Specialists today to visit an orthopedic specialist that can diagnose and remedy shoulder problems.